Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Sick, Sick and More Sick..

We have all had a nasty run of the stomach flu here. Started out last week with Traci and we are still battling it with Christi. Nasty stuff. I have washed everything in bleach water and sprayed the rest of it down with Lysol..Just plain nasty. I have even been boiling water to drink, since I don't know what is causing it. Not only have we had the stomach bug some of us have had head colds as well. Just ugly around here.
Pray we get over it soon, as we have not done much more than sleep and CLEAN for days now..
The kids said that there was a line of kids in the nurses office waiting to be picked up yesterday and that the home sick list is long as well..
I will post more later, as we I have other new passages in our lives, that don't involve vomit and Kleenex...LOL

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