Sunday, June 14, 2009

Flag Day

Hard to believe that it is already the middle of June. Time really sails by.

Raelene had a really nice graduation and we enjoyed a lovely get together afterward with friends and family. I will have to post some pictures of graduation. John also promoted from the 8th grade that day, and will begin high school in the fall.

Allison will be in 8th grade in the fall, and Traci in 6th grade. Only one more year of grade school for us for a little while!

Raelene is working for the Summer Youth Program here in Maxwell. She is enjoying herself and learning a lot. We as a family are working with the summer lunch program. This is the 9th year for us.

I am still working at Village Hall, as finance officer. It is a good job, but lots and lots of work and the past employees were not the great at keeping up with stuff, so each and every day there are new things to find..Most not so good. SIGH.

Dealing with the loss of mom has been rough. This past week has been really hard. I miss her so much. I still have not had the good hard cry yet. I know I really do need it, but things are so hard and stressful as it is is, I just don't have the time to give into the loss. Continue to pray for our family as we deal with all of this.
