Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Day before Thanksgiving

We have done a little house work today, changed bedding, vacuumed, little things like that.
We will be going over to my mom and dad's tomorrow. We normally have our meal at around noon, so will go over about mid morning.
Not really much to post, I just wanted to wish you each a Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Sitting here, while Allison makes cornbread. Cheated and used jiffy mix tonight. I had put a crockpot of beans on this morning, so we are just having a light dinner.
Frank and I steamed cleaned carpets today, and when the kids got home they each got a BIG job to do, so the house looks pretty nice tonight.Hopefully it will stay that way, for awhile, maybe we will not have to do much again until Christmas break.
Frank's sister in law, has a biopsy tomorrow for a breast cancer "scare". I know we will hear something about that later in the week. She has had a lot of health issues in her life. I always tell Frank it is because she does not take care of herself, but that is not being very nice, so I will not say that again. LOL
Not much else new to report here. We are suppose to have snow on Thanksgiving. I really think in a way that would be nice. I am sort of looking forward to that thought.
I am not too newsy tonight, so I will get off here and trim Raelene's bangs.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Sitting here thinking I need to start dinner, or maybe walk over and see mom and dad, since Raelene is next door with her boyfriend and Christi.
Don't know what I am making for dinner, we have a freezer/pantry/fridge full of food, just no real desire to get up and cook.
Really did not do much today, Raelene and I cleaned the church, Raelene cleaned house, told she had too, if she wanted Chris to come over, and we ran to town for bath soap and steam cleaner soap. WOW!
The temps are a little cool outside today, I am ready for winter, but know that I will whine once the snow starts for fly.
I think this week appears to be rather slow. Frank and I plan to get the floors steamed cleaned on Monday or Tuesday, since school is out on Wednesday for Thanksgiving break and I know we will be busy then.
My coffee maker went out yesterday.Our house is really hard on coffee makers, I clean them and take care of them and we have still probably gone through 25 coffee makers in the 8 years we have lived here. I have gone through 3 just this year. Maybe it is time to go back to an old fashioned type...SO, SIGH no coffee for me in the mornings and I really need my coffee!!!!!!! Maybe if I wait until Black Friday they will have one on sale really cheap and I can go and get it. We looked today and the cheapest one, and I do mean cheap one, was still $21+ and I am just too cheap to spent that right now..
Well, I am going over to say hi to mom and dad and I will then come home and make supper...Still no ideas!?!?

Saturday Morning

Woke up early again, because Allison did not hear her alarm go off, to get up and ready for her basketball game. So mom had to get up and get her UP. Told her she has to get her act together and get ready for games, mom is not playing basketball and mom does not need to get ready!
Raelene and I are off soon to clean the church, most of the time the members take turns, as we don't have many events in the church, but Raelene and I just decided taht we would go and get it done this time around. We had set dates with my dad all week to get it done, and both of us always had something else come up, so today I am just going to go and get it done.
Chris, Rae's boyfriend made it home last night and popped in on us around 10 last night, not something we normally get into, but since he had just gotten in, we let it slide and they got to spend about 20 minutes together. Along with all their siblings, so it was cute. He is here until next weekend, so I am sure we will be seeing a lot more of him.
Church tomorrow, with a business meeting to follow. And I think that is all for the rest of the weekend.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Sunshiney Friday...

I am up early this morning, at least for a non school morning,( the kids only have a four day school week, they have Fridays off) The dogs woke me up at 6:30 wanting out, so I in turn woke up the kids to take care of that..I know, bad mom!!!!!!!
It does not feel as cold out side today as yesterday was. That is wonderful, I just did not want to get out in the cold yesterday.
Allison team did not win their game last night, but do play again tomorrow, same town, so she will leave here tomorrow morning at 7 am and will not be home until late tomorrow night.
I don't think we have any big plans this week-end. Church, and that is about it.
The kids have a two day school week next week, they get out on Tuesday and don't go back until the 1st of Dec., that will be a nice treat, I think the kids are ready for that break.
I am off to make breakfast...

Thursday, November 20, 2008

I was never very good at...

keeping a diary as a child or even as a teenager, and now as an adult I am really bad at it. I have not kept a diary since I think I was 13 or 14. So bear with me as I give this a try.
Frank is at a fire meeting tonight. He has been a volunteer firefighter for almost a year now. They have meetings every other Thursday. The fire fighters and wives have a large party, complete with Santa riding into town in the fire truck around Christmas time. This year it is set for December 13th. Frank and I have always gone in the past, and this year we get to help and be part of the working of it, we are looking forward to that.
We had dinner really early tonight, because of this meeting. I made fried chicken, alfredo noodles and mixed veggies. I was so hungry so it was wonderful.
Allison is away at her game. The school they are playing at is almost 90 miles away and they did not play until at least 7 pm, so they will not be home until LATE..Lovely. At least they don't play tomorrow, but do play again on Saturday. Junior High Basketball tournaments are something else.
Going to town tomorrow to get groceries, we are running out of stuff and I really can't go another day with out going to town. We had heard it was snowing in Trinidad, Colorado and that is where we would be going, so we just did not go today.
Chris, Raelene's boyfriend is due home tomorrow, (from college) for Thanksgiving break. I know she is getting excitied, we have not seen him since August!
Okay, I am going to get this posted and see how that goes.
Good Night...........

Allison and basketball

Good Morning.
I thought that I would give this a try.
I have enjoyed reading other peoples blogs and wanted to try my hand at it.
We woke up to cool temps today. Yesterday was so warm, hot really that I got a slight sunburn while outside. Today the high is only suppose to be 42!
Allison has a basketball tournament this weekend. Her team took 1st place in the last tournament. Pretty cool!! She is on a co-ed, junior high team and is actually a starter, which is cool, since she is only a 7th grader and there are some 8th graders on the team.
John and Allison have a field trip to a college about 80 miles away on Monday. It is the same college that Raelene wants to go to and has actually been accepted too. They are excitied!!!!!!!
Traci is not doing too well is school. Well, really that is not true. She is just not turning in our work, so has really bad grades. I still need to talk to her teacher, but this week has been crazy, so I will have to try to touch base later.
Frank has still not found work, but is in line for some interviews. PRAY..We are really beginning to get down over this and making the little bit that he gets off of unemployment stretch is really getting hard.
We are enjoying having my dad and mom close by. Dad is fitting back in the the church right away. We are happy to have him there. Many say he has come home..
I will try to post my thoughts and feeling here and share a little about our family with each of you.