Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wednesday Night

Thought it was about time I came and posted an update....
Things are busy around here. School is out tomorrow around noon. This will be the first year, that I have not been home when school was out. I do have a lunch break, so I might just stop by and pick up the kids when I go home for lunch. I don't like them being out on the streets the last day of school, because of the fights, and stupid silly behavior, so I have always just been there waiting in the parking lot...
I am busy at work, starting on the budget. I don't believe it will be hard once I get in the depths of it, just have not had the time to get in with both feet. I have been busy this week, playing catch up and posting deposits and filing and putting away lose ends.
Saturday will be 3 weeks since mom passed. I have good days and bad days, I think the hardest part is knowing that she is not going to be at the other end of the phone when I call the house. I really miss her so much right now. The past fews days have been hard. There are days I just can't believe that she is gone. I know, I know, she is in a wonderful place, but at times that really does not always heal the pin at the moment. Some days I would love to sit and cry for hours and feel sorry for myself. I think the other hard part is that it has changed my whole life, and it is hard to deal with the fact that I only have one parent left...OKay, now I am getting down, so I will close and think of happier things.
Raelene is excitied about graduation, she has practice tomorrow and they will decorate. Frank gets to sit with the school board and not with me, which is sort of a downer, but at the same time, he might get to to hand her, her diploma. So that would be neat.
Okay, I got side-tracked, reading blogs, so I will go now...You all have a wonderful night and God Bless.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

I wanted to let everyone know that my mom passed away tonight at around 5:30pm. I am still in shock and running only in slow, unsure of what is going on mod.
I do know that we have set the services for Wednesday at 11:00 am with just a grave side here in Maxwell. This is just plans that we have a family have made, and have not be able to hold it then. We meet with the funeral home Monday at 11:00 and I will be able to tell you more then.
Please pray for us as this is really hard for me and my family, I am so in shock.
Thank you all so much, and I will update you all soon...

God Bless,