Wednesday, December 31, 2008

WOW, where has the time gone

Well, I see that it has been a LONG time since I have posted here...Sorry about that. I am so behind on everything! I only got out about 20 Christmas cards this year, but I am working on a letter to mail to those that I missed. I am just so slow.
We took everything down the day after Christmas and put it away. I was just so ready to be done with all of that. I love Christmas, but this year was hard and being with out a job has really been hard on us.
Traci is in Eagle Nest, with my sister and her family. My niece is the same age, older by 9 days than Traci, so she is having a blast. We will either go and get her later on this week, or meet them half way or something. School goes back in the 5th, so we still have a few days to play with it.
John is out helping Frank work on my mom and dad's car, while the sun shines, as the weather is pretty nice right now.
Allison and Christina are at the neighbors, Allison's best friends house, playing! And Raelene and the boyfriend are in town shopping for his mom. Allison's best friend and Raelene's boyfriend are bother and sister, by the way.
Frank is better, as he had pneumonia right before Christmas. Christina was sick over Christmas and the rest of us are just tired and achy. Think it has a lot to do with stress, the cold.
Well, I hope to be better at blogging as the new year starts..
Happy New year all...

Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday Morning.........

We are in a winter storm watch for today and tomorrow. I am sort of ready for a snow, because that means we can take a break from some of these busy activties that we have on the calendar. I am ready for a break.
The kids put up the Christmas tree and decorations on Saturday while I was shopping with the volunteer firewives for the fire department Christmas party. It was great to come home to a beautifully decorated home and to watch the lights through Christi's eyes.

This week is busy!

Friday, December 5, 2008

time flies.

WOW. It has been way too long since I have been in here to post. WE are SOOOOOOOO busy. I have something of some kind, going each and every day from now until at least Christmas.
The kids are doing good. Raelene had a ball game this morning. She is just manager/team mom/book keeper/etc for the high school boys team, but has fun and gets to go to the games for free, so she is enjoying that.
Allison has a game tonight, it is in the same town my sister lives in, but we just can't afford to go.
Tomorrow, I am going with some other fire wives, to get the gifts/door prizes for the fire department Christmas party.
I know there is tons more, I just wanted everyone to know that I am still alive...
I will post more later.