Monday, April 27, 2009

Monday Morning..........

I just wanted to pop in and let you know, that nothing new to report about my mom. I have not even talked to anyone yet today. The kids are off to school and the house looks pretty good today. I just finished a graph for the maintenance man at work and thought that it would be nice to post some more pictures and just to chat a little with my friends...

Christi is growing and talking all the time now. She is such a blessing...

John, Allison and Traci are looking forward to the end of school and the summer break. I think I am as well, just for the down time. Although I have a feeling that this will be a busy summer!!

Frank is still job hunting, not much luck, but still looking..

Work is good. I am enjoying it...

Okay, until I hear more, I will go for now and get laundry folded and put away...

Senior Pictures of Raelene...

Raelene and Christi at the Prom

Our Churches fellowship hall, during the pre-prom dinner..

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Prom, Senior Pictures, and the Hospital...

I can't believe that it has been over a month since I came on and posted. So much as happened in the past month.

I am working, although only part time right now, school is days away from being out and Raelene is day's away from graduation. Prom is over and done with once again. It appears that spring is finally starting to spring here in Maxwell. And as I write this, my mom is in the hospital with an rapid/irregular heartbeat. PLEASE PRAY. She will be under going some more tests tomorrow and could be in the hospital up to 5 days. We are all sort of numb and just in a waiting pattern until we know more.

Raelene did have her senior pictures taken today. We have waited on this for ever and finally had a warm and sunny, although very windy morning in which to get her pictures taken, (my mom was already in the hospital, but had not been put into a room yet, so we got her pictures taken within an hour and headed right to the hospital.)

Prom was nice, our church hosted a dinner before prom and served chef salads. We fed close to 25, which for Maxwell is really good. Raelene took two dates to prom, as her boyfriend could not get home for college for the weekend. (he comes home for the summer in about 2 weeks). Both of the young men she took are in the 9th grade. One is a family friend, she actually used to baby sit for him, and the other is a friend from FFA and the son of the man that Frank does odd jobs for. They all looked really nice and had a great time, dancing and laughing and enjoying themselves...

Graduation is just around the corner. I can't believe that my little girl is that age!!! WOW.

Okay, again, please keep our family in your prayers and I will update as I can and know more..