Monday, February 9, 2009


John started drivers ed two weeks ago. You know I was okay with Raelene and driver's ed, because number one she is the oldest and we knew she would be the first, number two it was a blessing to have another driver in the house, and finally she was already a little older and past 15. But I was just not ready for John to start drivers ed. It has really been a big step for mom...
I did not tell you that Frank is the newest member of the Maxwell School Board!! There was an election and we missed the dead line due to other things coming up, but it turned out that no one else put in for school board, so those interested were asked to send a letter of intent/interest to the president, (a friend of ours) and they would chose new members last week. Frank went ahead and put in his letter and the other night he got a spot. WOW!!!!!!!! We to this weekend to a training section in Santa Fe, and we get to stay at the Hilton. WOW, that is big time for us. We have to pay for the room and they will pay us back.
The wind is blowing..We had some rain yesterday and are due for snow tomorrow..we do need the rain, and snow, so I am not complaining, but wow...we had such great weather last

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