Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I thought that I would be better about posting than I have been, I am truly sorry about that I am working really hard to remedy that.
I have been playing with my blog some and adding some personal touches to my background. The purple you will note, is in honor of the Maxwell Bears. That is the school colors and since both Frank and I and now our children are all "MAXWELL BEARS", thought that would be a cute color scheme. I think I will look for some "bears" to add to my blog and see what it looks like. So if you have a good bear, send it my way.
Raelene is home sick today. I think she is not only sick but worn out from school, ball practices and all the stuff that makes up being a senior in high school. She and I have started looking at graduation announcements and getting some ideas on that is out there. Did you know that they are really expensive? I think we have a few more weeks before we have to worry about that, but it is nice to have some ideas and some places bookmarked. We have thought about making them our selves, and will sit down soon and price both ways.
Raelene is running for homecoming queen in February. She is excited. Allison is also on the homecoming court, but at the junior high level and will be running for princess. It is pretty neat!! Homecoming happens to fall on Traci's 11th birthday, so we are going to have to have a big celebration that day.
Okay I will get off here, as I am babysitting today and need to get busy.

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